Simulation of Nanoindentation Experiments of Photonic Crystals Thin Films Using Finite Element Method
WANG Yuemin1, SHANG Lei1, YAN Xiangqiao1, LI Xingang2, LI Yao1
1 Center for Composite Materials and Structures, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150000; 2 China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd., Guangzhou 510000
Abstract: The photonic crystals thin films have been prepared for the investigation of their deformation behaviors by nanoindentation tests at the sub-microscale. The process of nanoindentation test was simulated by ABAQUS software. The results indicate that the prepared photonic crystals thin films is highly ordered and arranged closely,and the measured elastic modulus is 7.79 GPa and the hardness is 0.181 GPa. Through the simulation of the different indenting positions, it is concluded that both the hardness and the elastic modulus increase slightly with the transition of the indentation point from the spherical surface crown to the middle position of the two microspheres, but the average error can be ignored and points out the reasons of the errors via the energy distribution. The simulation curve is basically consistent with the experimental load-displacement curve so that it can effectively simulate the mechanical test of the photonic crystals material, thus laying the foundation for the further research.
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WANG Yuemin, SHANG Lei, YAN Xiangqiao, LI Xingang, LI Yao. Simulation of Nanoindentation Experiments of Photonic Crystals Thin Films Using Finite Element Method. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(14): 2283-2286.
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