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材料导报  2019, Vol. 33 Issue (24): 4098-4104
  无机非金属及其复合材料 |
毕洁夫1, 郑南翔1, 董是1, 吴晓鑫2
1 长安大学公路学院,西安 710064
2 沈阳建筑大学土木工程学院,沈阳 110168
Effects of Asphalt and Aggregates on Water Stability Performance of Asphalt Mixture Using Large Samples Analysis
BI Jiefu1, ZHENG Nanxiang1, DONG Shi1, WU Xiaoxin2
1 School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’ an 710064
2 School of Transportation Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168
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摘要 沥青与粗集料的种类与质量是决定沥青路面质量的关键因素,为定量表征不同沥青型号、生产厂家、粗集料性质等对沥青混合料水稳定性的影响,分析相同种类、不同产地沥青混合料水稳定性差异的显著性水平。本研究基于大样本的沥青混合料生产配合比数据库,采用大数据分析方法,定量研究沥青与集料各参数差异对混合料水稳定性的影响程度。首先通过秩和检验法分析了不同沥青与粗集料种类组合之间水稳定性指标的差异性,然后通过广义因素方差分析法研究了不同厂家相同型号沥青混合料水稳定性的差异水平。研究表明,对于各种混合料的水稳定性:玄武岩与石灰岩性能相当;改性沥青优于普通沥青;标准沥青混合料(SUP)优于基质沥青(AC);公称粒径越小水稳定性越好;沥青生产厂家对沥青混合料的水稳定性影响不显著。基于大样本的分析方法适用于沥青混合料水稳定性分析,沥青标号、最大公称粒径及级配对混合料的浸水残留稳定比(MS0)的影响显著性高于对其冻融劈裂强度比(TSR)的影响显著性。
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关键词:  沥青混合料  水稳定性  大样本分析  秩和检验  最小显著性差异法检验(LSD)    
Abstract: The type and quality of asphalt and coarse aggregate are the key factors determining the quality of asphalt pavement. In order to quantitatively characterize the influence of different asphalt models, manufacturers and coarse aggregate properties on the stability of asphalt mixture water, the significance level of the difference in the water stability of asphalt mixture between the same type and different places of origin is analyzed. Methods based on a large sample of asphalt mixture production proportion database, this work adopts the big data analysis method to quantitatively study the influence of different asphalt and aggregate parameters on the water stability of the mixture. Firstly, the difference of water stability index between different asphalt and coarse aggregate combinations was analyzed by rank-sum test, and then the difference level of water stability of the same asphalt mixture of different manufacturers was studied by generalized factor variance analysis. The results showed that, for the water stability of various mixtures, (a)basalt and limestone have demonstrated similar performance, (b) modified asphalt is superior to matrix asphalt, (c) SUP is superior to AC, (d) the smaller the nominal particle size, the better the water stability, (e) asphalt manufacturers have no significant influence on the water stability of asphalt mixtures. The analysis method based on large samples is applicable to the analysis of water stability of asphalt mixture. The influence of asphalt penetration grade, nominal maximum particle size and graduation, on MS0 are obviously more significant than those of TSR.
Key words:  asphalt mixture    water stability performance    large samples analysis    rank-sum test    least-significant difference test(LSD)
               出版日期:  2019-12-25      发布日期:  2019-10-28
ZTFLH:  U416  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51308061);陕西省自然科学基金(2019JM-218);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(300102258105); 河南省重大科技专项(151100310700)
作者简介:  毕洁夫,于2014年7月在广西科技大学获结构工程硕士学位,2015年9月考入长安大学攻读博士学位,主要从事道路材料的试验研究与数据挖掘分析在道路领域中的应用研究,重点研究水泥稳定类材料及沥青混合料的性能;郑南翔,教授,博士研究生导师,中共党员,工学博士。长安大学公路学院教授。1991年8月获国家科学技术进步二等奖,1990年7月获国家教育委员会科技进步一等奖,中国公路学会科学技术奖二等奖 1项,三等奖三项。主要从事道路材料及道路结构设计、公路养护技术等方面的研究,重点研究土与加固土原理,水泥稳定基层材料耐久性,沥青路面耐久性及养护技术。在国内外期刊上发表文章数十篇,专著3部。
毕洁夫, 郑南翔, 董是, 吴晓鑫. 基于大样本的沥青与粗集料原料对混合料水稳定性的影响分析[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(24): 4098-4104.
BI Jiefu, ZHENG Nanxiang, DONG Shi, WU Xiaoxin. Effects of Asphalt and Aggregates on Water Stability Performance of Asphalt Mixture Using Large Samples Analysis. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(24): 4098-4104.
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