Abstract: The type and quality of asphalt and coarse aggregate are the key factors determining the quality of asphalt pavement. In order to quantitatively characterize the influence of different asphalt models, manufacturers and coarse aggregate properties on the stability of asphalt mixture water, the significance level of the difference in the water stability of asphalt mixture between the same type and different places of origin is analyzed. Methods based on a large sample of asphalt mixture production proportion database, this work adopts the big data analysis method to quantitatively study the influence of different asphalt and aggregate parameters on the water stability of the mixture. Firstly, the difference of water stability index between different asphalt and coarse aggregate combinations was analyzed by rank-sum test, and then the difference level of water stability of the same asphalt mixture of different manufacturers was studied by generalized factor variance analysis. The results showed that, for the water stability of various mixtures, (a)basalt and limestone have demonstrated similar performance, (b) modified asphalt is superior to matrix asphalt, (c) SUP is superior to AC, (d) the smaller the nominal particle size, the better the water stability, (e) asphalt manufacturers have no significant influence on the water stability of asphalt mixtures. The analysis method based on large samples is applicable to the analysis of water stability of asphalt mixture. The influence of asphalt penetration grade, nominal maximum particle size and graduation, on MS0 are obviously more significant than those of TSR.
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BI Jiefu, ZHENG Nanxiang, DONG Shi, WU Xiaoxin. Effects of Asphalt and Aggregates on Water Stability Performance of Asphalt Mixture Using Large Samples Analysis. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(24): 4098-4104.
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