Abstract: Energy-efficient shear wall system is composed of load-bearing and thermal insulation concrete. Lightweight aggregate concrete is a kind of load-bearing and thermal insulation concrete with wide application. In this paper, the material properties and mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete are introduced, such as compressive strength, thermal conductivity and stress-strain constitutive relation. Through the comparative analysis of the relevant literature, results show that lightweight aggregate concrete shear wall has improved significantly in thermal performance. In mechanical performance, under the premise that bearing capacity meets the design requirements, the ductility of lightweight aggregate concrete shear wall is better than ordinary concrete shear wall and has a high seismic capability. This paper also introduces the complex shear wall structure with heat preservation formwork and the newly developed sandwich insulation wall, their thermal properties and wall structure are discussed. Through comparative analysis, it is concluded that lightweight aggregate concrete is a promising material in energy-efficient shear wall system.
何诗华,严捍东. 国内节能型剪力墙技术研究和应用现状分析[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(11): 1910-1915.
HE Shihua, YAN Handong. Application Status and Technology Research of Energy-efficient Shear Wall in China. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(11): 1910-1915.
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