Effect of Water Cement Ratio on Properties of Magnesium Inorganic Light Materials
ZUO Yingfeng1, XIAO Junhua1, LI Ping1,2, WANG Jian1, LI Xianjun1, WU Yiqiang1
1 College of Material Science & Engineering, Central South University of Forestry & Technology, Changsha 410004; 2 College of Art & Design, Xiangnan University, Chenzhou 423000
Abstract: Magnesium inorganic light material containing a large number of closed pores inside were prepared by chemical foaming process, in which magnesium based cementing material as raw material, hydrogen peroxide as foaming agent, manganese dioxide as activator, calcium stearate as stabilizer and polyacrylamide as thickener. The effect of water cement ratio (the ratio of magnesium salt and magnesium oxide) on the apparent density, compression strength, bending strength, pore structure and water resistance of magnesium inorganic light materials were studied. The experimental results showed that the water cement ratio not only affects the pore structure and foaming formation of magnesium inorganic light materials, but also has a great influence on the crystal structure. With the increasing of water cement ratio, the paste consistency decreased, the apparent density of magnesium inorganic light material decreased, the pore structure shape gradually improved, the mechanical strength and water resistance increased first and then decreased. When the water cement ratio was 1.4, the peak of the intensity phase was the largest, the magnesium inorganic light material had the largest compressive strength, flexural strength and best water resistance. At the same time, the average pore size was smaller, the porosity and the roundness value are close to the Kepler ideal model value, and the apparent density was only 0.41 g/cm3, which is suitable for the use of energy-saving lightweight wall materials.
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ZUO Yingfeng, XIAO Junhua, LI Ping, WANG Jian, LI Xianjun, WU Yiqiang. Effect of Water Cement Ratio on Properties of Magnesium Inorganic Light Materials. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(14): 2370-2375.
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