Research Progress of Electromagnetic Shielding Wood-based Conductive Materials
WANG Li1,2, WANG Zhe1, NING Guoyan1, SHEN Yulin1, WANG Ximing1
1 College of Material Science and Art Design, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018; 2 InstrumentalAnalysis Center, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010
Abstract: The rapid development of electronic products has brought endemic and hazardous electromagnetic effects, such as cumulative thermal effect and vibration effect. Moreover, free propagation of electromagnetic waves in a non-medium condition easily causes information leakage and interference to other electronic equipment’s normal operation. The traditional electromagnetic shielding material can alleviate or eliminate the negative consequences of electromagnetic effects, but nevertheless displays many disadvantages, such as complicated production process, serious indirect pollution and single shielding mechanism. Macroscopically, wood is an important ecological and environmental friendly natural materials with the functions of renewability, ability of immobilizing carbon, ease of processing, heat insulation, sound absorbing and insulation, as well as the advantages of degradability, recyclability, good environmental compatibility, high strength ratio, etc. Microscopically, wood has the multi-scale pore structure of nano-micro dimension, natural skeleton structure that can be used as template, rich porous channel surface active sites (a large number of carbon radical, free hydroxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl groups) which enables a series of physical and chemical modification. However, as a material, wood is anisotropic, insulating, easy to dry, shrink, dilate, deform and rot, so its effective utilization rate is greatly suppressed and its application scope is encumbered. Many scholars regarded wood as a template matrix, and combined them in various forms with conductive materials, making composite structure materials with electromagnetic shielding abi-lity, wood advantages, weakening their defects, and it is a promising research method. Preparation methods of wood based conductive composite include coating method, filling method, carbonization crystallization method and nanomaterial composing method. The coating method combines different metal with nonmetal elements by chemical vapor deposition and ion sputtering, loads them on wood surface, and the resultant composites have high surface resistivity and simple binding mechanism. This method is easy to operate, but requires some pre-treatment processes (e.g. sensitization, oil removal, activation), and tend considerably to cause coating spalling and surface-reflection-induced secondary pollution. The filling method is a method of stacking and mixing metal mesh, metal fiber, conductive adhesive, metal complex, conductive polymer and wooden unit. It has many disadvantages such as uneven distribution of conductive components, low conductivity and narrow screen band. Carbonization and crystallization refers to obtaining porous material by calcining wood under oxygen-free atmosphere (nitrogen protection) and then pouring metal conductive materials, it is relatively high-cost, technological complexity and low shielding effectiveness of the resultant composite materials. The method of nano-material composing is to compounding nanosized cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin with certain conductive substance by in situ polymerization. But the conductive component is easy to agglomerate, and the pro-ducts’ absorption bandwidth and shielding effectiveness are unfavorable. Therefore, the further research directions of wood-based conductive composites are higher absorptivity, wider bandwidth, functionalization and green renewability. Based on the above content, in consideration of porous channel, rich hydroxyl, carboxyl active functional groups of wood and electrical conductivity of different conductive components, this paper mainly introduces the essence of electrical conductivity, preparation method, mechanism of electromagnetic shielding, characterization of composite materials’ conductivity, and elaborates the anti-static, electromagnetic shielding, photoelectric and medical applications, both with respect to the worldwide research of wood-based conductive composites.
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