Preparation and Characterization of Monolithic Epoxy-based Macroporous Polymer
WU Yanfei, TAO Kai, BAI Wenjing, CAO Dali, LI Xiaoying, LIANG Yunxiao
State Key Laboratory Base of Novel Functional Materials and Preparation Science, Faculty of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211
Abstract: With TETA as curing agent, 3D skeletal epoxy-based macroporous polymer monoliths were prepared by the polymerization-reaction-induced phase separation of bisphenol A epoxy resins in PEG medium. While the weight ratio of PEG1000 to PEG2000 was fixed at 6/1, the influences of the weight ratio of epoxy to PEG and the amount of TETA on the pore structure of the macroporous polymer monoliths were studied respectively. Macroporous polymer monoliths were characterized by FT-IR, SEM, BET and MIP, and were used to adsorb heavy metal ions. Results show that the pore structure of macroporous polymer can be adjusted by changing the weight ratio of epoxy and PEG or the amount of TETA, and the pore sizes are adjusted in a range of 0.1-1 μm. The monolithic macroporous polymer is minimum with minimum pore size reaches the maximum when the pore size possesses the maximum specific surface area, which is about 84.4 m2/g. On the other side, the macroporous polymer with larger pore size exhibit higher adsorption performance for Cu(Ⅱ) ions, which can reach up to 113.1 mg/g.
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