Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiC/Ti Composites Fabricated from In-situ Synthesized Ti Alloy@CNTs Powder by SPS
BAI Yunguan1,2, JI Xiaochao3, LI Haiqing1,*, WEI Min3, YU Helong2,*, ZHANG Wei3
1 School of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China 2 National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Forces of PLA, Beijing 100072, China 3 School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Foshan University, Foshan 062450, Guangdong, China
Abstract: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) coated titanium alloy (Ti alloy@CNTs) composite powders were synthesized by in-situ plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) via Fe/Ni catalyst. The produced composite powders were consolidated via spark plasma sintering (SPS) to fabricate the TiC and CNTs reinforced Ti matrix composites. The microstructure and composition of titanium alloy @ CNTs powder were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of the composites were characterized by SEM, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, nano indentation. On this basis, the factors influencing the structure of carbon nanotubes in-situ synthesized by PECVD, including the catalyst concentration and reaction time, were investigated. In addition, the mechanism of the formation of the microstructure of the composite during sintering were discussed and the mechanism of in-situ TiC formation by the reaction of CNTs with Ti matrix. The result indicate that in-situ TiC formation is mainly affected by the crystallinity of CNTs and SPS temperature.
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