Abstract: Metal arc additive manufacturing is an efficient and low-cost rapid net forming process, which is very suitable for the overall manufacturing of large-size metal parts. However, a series of non-equilibrium temporal variations such as heat accumulation, heat dissipation boundary conditions and deposition layer surface conditions, have been found to lower the dimensional accuracy of the formed parts, thereby directly handicapping the industrial application. On this regard, this paper takes the stability control of the arc additive forming process as the objective, and provides detailed investigation and analysis of the current research and technical advantages of the wire arc additive manufacturing. The key scientific and technical issues are proposed and outlooked, which imply the countermeasures of adjusting the additive manufacturing process stability to solve the aforementioned issues involving dimensional accuracy and surface quality. A prospective discussion on the future trends is also given in order to provide a useful reference for arc additive process stability control and improvement of forming dimensional accuracy.
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