Effects of Welding Wire Composition on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-high Strength Armored Steel Welded Joints
ZHENG Daoyou1, XU Yuxin2, WANG Suyu2, WANG Wenquan2,*
1 College of Optoelectronic Manufacturing, Zhejiang Industry & Trade Vocational College, Wenzhou 325002, Zhejiang, China 2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
Abstract: 4.5 mm and 9.0 mm thick ultra-high strength armored steels were welded successfully by robotic gas-shielded arc welding technique, and the effects of welding wire (MG70S-6, ER307Si) composition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of welded joints were investigated. The microstructures and phase structures of welded joints were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive analysis (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the hardness, tensile properties and impact toughness of welded joints were also examined. The results showed that the welded joints were well formed without visible defects such as lack of fusion, pores or cracks. The microstructures of weld metals were composed of flaky martensite, acicular ferrite and a small amount of granular bainite, and the microstructures of the fully quenched zone were martensite and bainite. The incomplete quenched zone was composed of mixed microstructure of martensite and ferrite, and reticular cementite was precipitated in the tempering zone. The softening phenomenon of the heat-affected zone of the welded joint was relatively obvious, and the joint strengths were all lower than those of base metals, and the fracture mainly occurred in the weld zone, reflecting the characteristics of brittle fracture. The room temperature impact energy of the 9.0 mm armored steel joint welded with ER307Si reached 94 J, which could meet the application requirements.
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