Research Status of Reactive Plasma Spraying Technology
HUANG Qinghua1,2, CHEN Shuang1,*, LIU Ming2,*, ZHOU Xinyuan2, HUANG Yanfei2, WANG Haidou2,3
1 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China 2 National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing 100072, China 3 National Engineering Research Center for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing 100072, China
Abstract: Reactive plasma spraying (RPS) is an efficient and widely used surface treatment technology, which has the advantages of high production efficiency, high energy utilization, high bonding strength of coating and a wide range of spray materials. In recent years, researchers have focused on the preparation of high melting point and high performance intermetallic compounds, ceramics and composite coatings by reactive plasma spraying, and the related performance testing and quality control. However, the research on the reaction exothermic behavior and reaction kinetic control of sprayed powder during flight and after reaching the substrate is not thorough. Moreover, there is a lack of research on the construction mechanism and growth model of the coating. In this paper, the current development of reactive plasma spraying technology is introduced from five aspects: mechanism of reactive plasma spraying, thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of reaction process, preparation method of reactive plasma spraying powder, reactive plasma spraying coating and its properties, and quality control of reactive plasma spraying coating. Among them, as for the mechanism of reactive plasma spraying, the solid/solid and solid/gas reaction mechanisms of spraying process are described. In the aspect of reaction thermodynamics and kinetics analysis, the conditions that required reaction occurrence, maintenance as well as the classical thermodynamic and kinetics calculation formulas are introduced. In the preparation of reactive plasma spraying powder, the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical mixing, spray drying, precursor pyrolysis, coating and other methods are compared. In the aspects of reactive plasma spraying coating and its properties, the related properties of several intermetallic compound coating, ceramic coating and composite coating are introduced respectively. In terms of quality control of reactive plasma spraying coating, the effects of process parameter optimization, addition of reinforcing particles and post-treatment technology on coating properties are described. Finally, the development trend of reactive plasma spraying technology is prospected.
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