Abstract: In this paper, the damage evolution behavior and the evaluation method of coal gangue aggregate concrete with different replacement rate under freezing-thawing were studied. The damage layer thickness was determined by ultrasonic evaluation method. The change rule of compressive strength and damage layer thickness and damage layer characteristic value of coal gangue concrete after freezing-thawing were analysed. The damage layer of coal gangue concrete that is convenient for engineering detection was proposed as an evaluation standard for the freeze-thaw damage, and the damage layer was modified by the residual strength of coal gangue concrete in the damage area. The results showed that, the compressive strength and damage layer characteristic value of concrete gradually decreased with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, and the damage layer thickness gradually increased. After considering the correction coefficient, the evaluation accuracy of freeze-thaw damage degree was improved significantly. With the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the correction coefficient gradually increased, the law reflected the actual phenomenon that the residual strength of coal gangue concrete in damage area gradually decreased and the freeze-thaw damage degree gradually increased.
关虓, 邱继生, 潘杜, 郑娟娟, 王民煌. 冻融环境下煤矸石混凝土损伤度评估方法研究[J]. 材料导报, 2018, 32(20): 3546-3552.
GUAN Xiao, QIU Jisheng, PAN Du, ZHENG Juanjuan, WANG Minhuang. Research on the Evaluation Method of Damage Degree of Coal Gangue Concrete Under Freezing-Thawing. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(20): 3546-3552.
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