Microstructure and Properties of GH3128/Al2O3 Joint Brazed via Reactive Air Brazing with Ag-CuO-NiO-LiAlSiO4 Composite Filler
CHEN Enguang1, SU Xinqing1,*, XUE Songbai1, CHEN Xudong2, FU Renli1, ZHANG Xiaotian1, CHENG Bo1, WANG Changhong3, WANG Mingwei3
1 College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China 2 Shanghai Radio Equipment Research Institute, Shanghai 200090, China 3 The 49th Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Harbin 150000, China
Abstract: Reactive air brazing(RAB) of Al2O3 ceramic and GH3128 alloy was successfully achieved by using Ag-CuO-NiO-LiAlSiO4 composite filler reinforced by NiO and LiAlSiO4 particles. The effects of NiO and LiAlSiO4 content on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of GH3128/Al2O3 joint were investigated. The interface microstructure and the formation mechanism of the brazed joint were analyzed and discussed either. The results show that a composite oxidation reaction layer including CuCrO4 inner oxide layer and NiO outer oxide layer is formed on the surface of GH3128 alloy, and the interfacial layer with CuAl2O4 as the main component is formed on the surface of Al2O3 ceramic in the brazing process. The addition of NiO improves the wettability of the composite solder. Meanwhile, the addition of LiAlSiO4 reduces the coefficient of thermal expansion of the composite filler metal, the filler metal with low coefficient of thermal expansion can reduce the residual stress of the brazed joint, which greatly improve the performance of the joints. The shear strength of the joint reaches the maximum (61.8 MPa) when Ag-10%CuO composite filler metal containing 0.3%NiO(mass fraction) and 4%LiAlSiO4(mass fraction) is used. The typical interfacial microstructure of the joint is GH3128/CuCrO4+CrNi3+NiO+CuO/Ag+CuO+LiAlSiO4/CuAl2O4/Al2O3.
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