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材料导报  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (3): 3026-3032
  材料与可持续发展( 四) ———材料再制造与废弃物料资源化利用 |
苏博文, 史公初, 廖亚龙, 张宇, 王伟, 郗家俊
昆明理工大学冶金与能源工程学院,昆明 650093
Research Progress on Functional Materials Preparation of Silica from Industrial Solid Wastes
SU Bowen, SHI Gongchu, LIAO Yalong, ZHANG Yu, WANG Wei, XI Jiajun
Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China
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摘要 近年来,我国每年产出约33亿t固体废弃物。工业生产过程中产生的固体废弃物常常露天堆存于自然环境中,对土壤、水及大气环境产生污染,也给人类的生存带来巨大的潜在危险。综合利用的效率较低且增值空间不大是固体废弃物大量堆积的主要原因之一。因此,寻求高效的综合利用固体废弃物的处理方法迫在眉睫。
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关键词:  固体废弃物  二氧化硅  白炭黑  气凝胶  沸石  综合利用    
Abstract: In recent years, about 3.3 billion tons of solid waste are produced in China every year. The solid waste produced in the process of industrial production is often open stored in the natural environment, which pollutes the soil, water and air environment, and also brings great potential danger to the survival of human beings. The low efficiency of comprehensive utilization and small space of increment is one of the main reasons for the massive accumulation of the solid waste. Therefore, it is urgent to seek efficient and comprehensive disposal methods of the solid waste.
Phosphorus slag of electric furnace, slag produced in iron and steel smelting and nonferrous metal smelting process, fly ash produced in the domains of building materials and electric power are common bulk solid wastes. These wastes are rich in silica, which mainly exists in the form of silicate, crystalline silica and amorphous silica. In addition, depending on the origins and production methods of solid waste, there are also diffe-rent mineral phase components, and sometimes there are rare earth elements, alumina and other high-value non-ferrous metals.White carbon black and silica aerogels can be prepared after separating rare earth metals and valuable elements such as alumina from the solid wastes, and zeolite can also be prepared by using silica and alumina from the solid wastes.
White carbon black is an amorphous nano-silica material with high porosity, high dispersion and good thermal stability. It is an important raw material for preparing catalysts, rubber reinforcing agents, thixotropic agents, thermal insulators and other materials.It is widely used in rubber, chemical industry, electronics, medicine and other fields. Silica aerogel has the advantages of large specific surface area, low volume density and low thermal conductivity, which can be used as a carrier for preparing catalysts, heat preservation and insulation materials, electronic film mate-rials and radio luminescent devices. Zeolite can be synthesized by aluminum silicate gel preparing from alumina and silicon in the solid wastes firstly, followed by water heated treatment. Resulted from developed pore structure it can accommodate a variety of cationic, zeolite has one or more properties of adsorption, ion exchange and catalysis, and therefore is widely used for industrial adsorbent, catalyst, membrane materials and the processing additives, ion exchange materials and chemical sensors, etc. The preparation of white carbon black, silica aerogel or zeolite after extracting valuable elements from solid waste rich in silicon dioxide is an effective way to improve the utilization rate and value-added rate of the solid wastes.
In this paper, the composition of several typical solid wastes rich in silicon dioxide and the mineral-phase characteristics of silica in them are compared and analyzed, and the research progress of silica separation and preparation of functional materials such as white carbon black, silica aerogel and zeolite are reviewed. So as to provide reference for the preparation of silica functional materials with solid wastes.
Key words:  solid waste    silicon dioxide    white carbon black    aerogel    zeolite    comprehensive utilization
               出版日期:  2021-02-10      发布日期:  2021-02-19
ZTFLH:  TF09  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(21978122; 21566017); 昆明理工大学分析测试基金项目(2019M20182202021)
作者简介:  廖亚龙,昆明理工大学教授,博士研究生导师。1988年7月本科毕业于四川大学化工学院,2007年8月在昆明理工大学冶金工程专业取得博士学位。主要从事资源综合利用、冶金物理化学方向的研究工作。
苏博文, 史公初, 廖亚龙, 张宇, 王伟, 郗家俊. 工业固体废弃物制备二氧化硅功能材料的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2021, 35(3): 3026-3032.
SU Bowen, SHI Gongchu, LIAO Yalong, ZHANG Yu, WANG Wei, XI Jiajun. Research Progress on Functional Materials Preparation of Silica from Industrial Solid Wastes. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(3): 3026-3032.
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