Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Bioactive Glass Ceramic Thermoseeds Containing Ca Ferrite
LI Guangda1, ZHANG Nan1, ZHANG Kaili1, ZHAO Santuan2, MA Kaiwang1, XU Helong1, ZHAO Wei1, XIE Huixu3
1 College of Medical Technology and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003; 2 College of Material Science and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003; 3 Hospital of Stomatology, State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, West China Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041
Abstract: In present research, magnetic bioactive glass ceramic thermoseed containing Ca ferrite was prepared using the bioa-ctive glass ceramic precursor synthesized by sol-gel method and Ca ferrite. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the crystalline composition, magnetic property, heat generating ability under alternative magnetic field, as well as the lethal effect of the magnetically induced heat to cells, bioactivity in vitro and tissue biocompability in vivo. The results revealed that the main crystal of the material was CaSiO3, Ca5(PO4)3F and CaFe2O4. Under a magnetic field about 8×105 A·m-1, the saturation magnetization and coercive force of the composite were about 5 A·m2·kg-1 and 2×104 A·m-1, respectively. When exposed to an alternative magnetic field with the frequency of 342 kHz and the magnitude of 1×103 A/m, the material can realize a temperature rise of 40 ℃ in 20 min. After soaking in simulated body fluid for 14 d, a non-continuous biological active layer containing carbonate could be observed on the material surface. The MTT assay revealed that the material had no cytotoxicity. MG 63 cells could adhere and grow on the material. Moreover, the experiment of material and cell co-culturing under alternative magnetic filed showed that a circle of dead cell appeared around the material. The results of rabbit muscle implantation showed that the material had good tissue biocompatibility in vivo.
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