Characteristics and Reutilization of Pyrolytic Residues of Oily Sludge: an Overview
LI Jinling1,2, QU Chengtun1,2, ZHU Shidong2,3, FAN Xiayun1, ZHU Zhihui3
1 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065; 2 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control, Beijing 102206; 3 College of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065
Abstract: The requirement of reduction, harmlessness and reutilization for oily sludge treatment provokes researchers’ inte-rest upon the pyrolysis technology, which is developed on the basis of high temperature coking technology and is regarded as the most promising sludge treatment methodology owing to its advantages of entire disposal, high reduction effect, high recovery rate, flexible recycling and capability to immobilize heavy metals. The pyrolytic products of oily sludge include three phases: liquid products (water, low condensation point crude, etc.), gaseous products (usually methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, etc.) and solid phase (residues in the reactor after pyrolysis reaction) which is generally called char. At present, research of oily sludge pyrolysis is mainly concentrated on pyrolysis process and yield and properties of pyrolytic oil and gas, while scant works have covered pyrolytic residues. The solid residues, which take a large portion of pyrolytic product and contain unrecovered oil and some heavy metals, will cause secondary pollution if not disposed of effectively. The pyrolytic residues of oily sludge has now been included in National Catalogue of Hazardous Waste, and the corresponding disposal and reutilization technology has become a thorny obstacle. The fundamental characteristics of pyrolytic residues is of crucial importance in disposal and reutilization. Analyses of the elemental composition and structure characteristics have revealed that the residues mainly contain ash and carbon, in which the former consists of oxides, sulfates, carbonates and a small amount of heavy metals, and the latter occupies about 35%—50% of residues total weight. The high carbon content leads to loose and porous structure featured by large pores and micropores, and in consequence, facilitates residues reutilization. In addition, the source and characteristics of oily sludge, the pyrolysis process parameters, the introduction of activation, activation methods (including oily sludge activation and residues activation), all these facts would affect the elemental types, content and structure of the residues, and further provide references for determining disposal and reutilization metho-dology. This article briefly introduces the gaseous, liquid and solid phase products of oily sludge pyrolysis, summarizes the effects of oil sludge characteristics, moisture content, particle size, activation condition, and pyrolysis temperature, holding time and heating rate on the productivity, elementary composition, surface chemical properties, pore structure and surface morphology of pyrolytic residues. It also outlines the application of pyrolytic residues in producing adsorbents, catalysts, flocculants and hydrogen-rich fuel gas.
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