Effects of Pyrolysis Temperature on Basic Properties of Bamboo Biochar
WANG Liucheng1,2, XUE Lei3, GUO Dandan2, LI Yiguang2, CHEN Chongchong1
1 Chemical Engineering and Energy of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450000 2 Henan Tansuo New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450000 3 Science and Technology Information Institute of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450000
Abstract: The effect of different temperatures on the properties of bamboo biochar was researched and discussed, which was prepared by low temperature rapid continuous pyrolysis process. The basic industrial datas, infrared, thermogravimetric, particle size and other properties of the sample were characterized.The results showed that the pyrolysis degree of bamboo fiber was improved with the increase of temperature, hydrogen and oxygen content gradually decreased and the fixed carbon content and low heating value was significantly increased, whose values are 69.2% and 29.72 MJ/kg, respectively, and the grind ability of biochar was improved significantly, providing a theoretical basis for the research on the fuel and carboniferous material.
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