Research Progress of the High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Superalloys
TAN Xiaoxiao1,2, MA Liying2
1 Engineering Training Center, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620; 2 School of Materials Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620
Abstract: Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) commercial superalloys, with fine high temperature mechanical properties because of the oxide dispersion strengthening effect, are widely developed and applied on the high temperature components of various fields, such as aviation, aerospace, energy, automobile and so on. It is found that the fine oxide particles could effectively improve not only the strength, but also the high temperature oxidation resistance of alloy. The effects of different kinds of oxides, oxide size and oxide content on the high temperature oxidation resistance of superalloys are provided herein on recent advances, focusing on the similarities and differences in the oxidation mechanism of various oxides (i.e. reactive element oxides and inactive element oxides) from the aspect of the initial oxidation, the oxidation kinetics, the oxide scale growth mechanism and adhesion. Finally, the issues that warrant further studies are proposed.
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TAN Xiaoxiao, MA Liying. Research Progress of the High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Superalloys. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(11): 121-127.
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