Research Progress on Splitting Tensile Test Methods and Mechanical Properties of Concrete
HUANG Yong, SHI Caijun, OUYANG Xue, ZHANG Chaohui, SHI Jinhua, WU Zemei
Key Laboratory for Green and Advanced Civil Engineering Materials and Application Technology of Hunan Province, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
Abstract: As the most common civil engineering material, the tensile property of concrete has a significant impact on the mechanical properties and crack resistance of engineering structures. Compared with uniaxial tensile and bending tensile test, as an indirect test method, splitting tensile test is the simplest and most commonly used test method and has attracted great attention. This study mainly focuses on the concrete mate-rials such as ordinary portland concrete (OPC), fiber reinforced concrete (FRC), high strength concrete (HSC), reactive powder concrete (RPC) and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). This study summarizes the research progress about experimental methods and the numerical simulation methods of splitting tensile properties. Then the influences of loading band width, specimen size, loading rates and notch mode on the test methods of splitting tensile properties are discussed. The results show that there exists obvious size effect on the splitting tensile strength, and the loading band width and loading rate have influence on the its values. The experimental mechanism and methods of different notch modes are discussed respectively and their applicability are also compared. Finally, the relationship between the splitting tensile properties and other mechanical properties are further studied, and a certain range of application is proposed to provide scientific guidance for the research and application of the splitting tensile properties in the future.
作者简介: 黄勇,2017年毕业于南昌大学,获得工学学士学位。现为湖南大学土木工程学院硕士研究生,在史才军教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为UHPC力学性能。 史才军,国家第二批“千人计划”特聘专家、湖南省特聘专家、亚洲混凝土联合会副主席、湖南大学985工程创新平台首席科学家、特聘教授、博士生导师,中国建筑材料科学研究总院特聘教授、博士生导师,Taylor and Francis 学术期刊Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Materials创刊主编,Journal of Ceramics in Modern Technologies 共同主编、中国硅酸盐学会会刊《硅酸盐学报》副主编,Elsevier著名学术期刊Cementand Concrete Research和Cement and Concrete Composites、Construction and Buil-ding Materials、Taylor & Francis学术期刊Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance、西班牙Materiales de Construccion、《材料导报》《建筑材料学报》《重庆交通大学学报》及《中国水泥》等期刊编委。在水泥和混凝土材料的设计、测试、耐久性、智能防渗漏材料及废物的利用和处置方面做了广泛深入的研究工作,发表高水平学术论文300余篇。出版英文著作7部,中文著作3部,合编国际会议英文论文集6本。2014年获湖南省“潇湘友谊”奖。2015—2017年“建设与建造”领域中国高被引学者,2016年全球土木工程领域高被引学者,2001年、2007和2016年分别当选为国际能源研究会、美国混凝土学会及国际材料与结构联合会的会士(Fellow)。
黄勇, 史才军, 欧阳雪, 张超慧, 史金华, 吴泽媚. 混凝土劈裂拉伸测试方法及性能研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2021, 35(1): 1131-1140.
HUANG Yong, SHI Caijun, OUYANG Xue, ZHANG Chaohui, SHI Jinhua, WU Zemei. Research Progress on Splitting Tensile Test Methods and Mechanical Properties of Concrete. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(1): 1131-1140.
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