Abstract: Based on rheological and viscoelastic theory, the high temperature dynamic shear rheological test (DSR) of warm mix rubber modified asphalt (WCR) and rubber powder modified asphalt (CR) with different temperature mixing agents and warming agent dosages and the repeated load recovery test (RCRB) were applied to evaluate the high temperature properties of the WCR modified asphalt. Results showed that the addition of two warming agents can improve the high temperature performance of asphalt. The complex shear modulus G*of asphalt became larger, the phase angle δ decreased, and the improved rutting factor G*/(sinδ)9 increased. The high temperature deformation resistance of SDYK type WCR modified asphalt increased first and then decreased,and the high temperature deformation resistance of EM type WCR modified asphalt decreased gradually. Under the same temperature and stress level, the addition of two warming agents can improve the viscosity of asphalt Gv va-lue, the Gv value of SDYK type WCR modified asphalt reached a peak when the content of SDYK was 0.6wt%, while that of EM type WCR modified asphalt reached a peak when the content of EM was 1wt%, WCR modified asphalt with 0.6wt% SDYK content and 1wt% EM content had excellent high temperature performance. Compared with the same temperature and stress level, the residual strain to initial strain ratio (ε1/ε2) of 0.6wt% SDYK blended WCR modified asphalt had the smallest deformation recovery capability. Through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate asphalt high temperature performance index epsilon ε1/ε2, Gv, Z (the viscoelastic index), Z has a maximum weight. Thus, it is recommended to use viscoelastic index Z to evaluate performance of WCR modified asphalt at high temperature.
王岚, 崔世超, 常春清. 基于流变学与黏弹性理论的温拌胶粉改性沥青的高温性能研究[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(14): 2386-2391.
WANG Lan, CUI Shichao, CHANG Chunqing. High Temperature Performance of Warm Mix Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Based on Rheological and Viscoelastic Theory. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(14): 2386-2391.
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