Abstract: High specific surface area activated carbons were prepared by chemical activation of gulfweed with KOH as a chemical activation agent. Orthogonal experiment was adopted to discuss the influences of carbonization temperature, carbonization time, pre-activating temperature, pre-activating time and impregnation time on products′ specific surface area and pore volume, by conducting the characterizations for pore structure and surface morphology through N2 adsorption and SEM. From orthogonal experiment results, the optimum preparation conditions can be fixed as: carbonization temperature 600 ℃, carbonization time 180 min, pre-activating temperature 400 ℃, pre-activating time 45 min and impregnation time 2 h. The biggest specific surface area of the as-synthesized activated carbons in this work was 3 122 m2/g, and the pore sizes mainly concentrated within 6 nm.
李诗杰, 韩奎华, 韩旭东, 路春美. 马尾藻基高比表面积活性炭的制备及表征[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2017, 31(6): 38-44.
LI Shijie, HAN Kuihua, HAN Xudong, LU Chunmei. Preparation and Characterization for High Specific Surface Area Activated Carbon from Gulfweed. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(6): 38-44.
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