Preparation of Aluminum Base Filler Metals and Brazing Processes of 6063Al Matrix Composites with High SiC Content
WANG Peng1, GAO Zeng1, LI Jinzhu1, CHENG Dongfeng1, XU Dongxia1, NIU Jitai1,2
1 School of Material Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003; 2 Henan Jingtai High-Novel Materials Ltd. of Science and Technology, Jiaozuo 454003;
Abstract: Using (Al-10Si-20Cu-0.05Ce)-1Ti (wt%) filler metal foil prepared by rapidly melt-spun technique, compacted joints of SiCp/6063Al composites with 60% SiC content were obtained, and then their microstructure and properties were analyzed. Results indicated that the rapidly-cooled foils with thickness of 80-90 μm presented fine and uniform microstructure, and the foils mainly composed of Al, Cu2Al, Si and Al2Ti. With increasing brazing temperature or prolonging soaking time, the bonding quality of joints were gradually improved because of better wettability on the SiCp/filler interface and sufficient interdiffusion and dissolution between 6063Al/filler metal. The shear strength reached 112.6 MPa at 590 ℃ with soaking time of 30 min. When soaking time was prolonged to 50 min, the shear strength increased 7.3% due to work hardening of a composite seam, which was formed by small-size SiC particles migration and dispersion. However, when brazing temperature was higher than 595 ℃ and soaking time was longer than 60 min, the seam would be deteriorated seriously by segregation of SiC particles and which would lead to brittle fracture. Taking both the brazing cost and shearing strength of joint into consideration, the optimum brazing process is determined with temperature of 590 ℃ and soaking time of 30 min.
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WANG Peng, GAO Zeng, LI Jinzhu, CHENG Dongfeng, XU Dongxia, NIU Jitai. Preparation of Aluminum Base Filler Metals and Brazing Processes of 6063Al Matrix Composites with High SiC Content. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(2): 69-72.
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