Effect of Aging on σ Phase Precipitation and Properties of 4A Duplex Stainless Steel
LU Panpan1, WANG Aiqin1, XIE Jingpei2, WANG Wenyan1
1 College of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023; 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Nonferrous Metals of Henan Province, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023
Abstract: The effect of aging treatment on precipitation behavior of σ phase of 4A duplex stainless steel after solution treatment was observed by OM, and the precipitation process of σ phase at 850 ℃ for different time was analyzed. In order to investigate the precipitation characteristics and the mechanisms of σ phase, the morphology of the sample by aging for 4 hours was analyzed by SEM, EDS and TEM. Finally, the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 4A duplex stainless steel were also studied. The results show that σ phase is rich in Cr, Mo but Ni-depleted, its crystal structure is tetragonal and it is formed by the decomposition of δ; σ phase precipitation increased first and then decreased with the increase of aging temperature, and it reaches a peak at 850 ℃. The σ phase precipitation is more, when the aging time is longer under the same temperature; σ phase causes higher hardness of the material, but generally declining tensile strength, impact toughness and corrosion resistance, among which the impact toughness is particularly sensitive to the σ phase precipitation.
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