Demand Outlook of Key Materials and Technologies for Space Solar Power Station |
GAO Hong1, FAN Yanyan1, WANG Li2,*, LIU Zili2, HE Duanpeng1, YU Lifu1, WEN Ming1
1 China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China 2 Qian Xuesen Space Technology Laboratory, CAST, Beijing 100094,China |
Abstract As a renewable energy system, space solar power satellite (SSPS) needs to be collaboration applied based on a variety of key technologies, such as large-scale expanded structure and control technology, complex and efficient solar energy conversion technology, ultra-large power transmission and management technology, long-distance wireless energy transmission technology, on-orbit assembly and maintenance technology. Material technology, as the most basic support of the above key technologies, also faces greater challenges. By analyzing the difficulties in space solar power station construction, this paper explains the development needs of lightweight, flexible and intelligent new materials for key technologies such as large-size truss, flexible solar cell, super-power conductive rotary joint and in-orbit in-situ manufacturing.
Published: 25 November 2022
Online: 2022-11-25
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