On the Use of Platelet Derived Vesicles as Drug Delivery Carrier: a Review |
LIU Huan, QIN Linghao
School of Pharmacy, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China |
Abstract Although conventional nanocarrier systems can improve the in-vivo drug biodistribution characteristics and cellular uptake behavior, challenges of passive targeting in liver tissue and short systemic circulation time caused by reticuloendothelial system entrapment cannot be ignored. With the continuous development of bioengineering technology, more and more evidence has revealed that application of biomimetic nanocarriers derived from cell vesicles can overcome the defects of synthesized drug nanocarriers. Platelets produced by megakaryocytes in bone marrow are the smallest cells in blood, which participate in numerous physiological processes involving hemostasis, wound healing and thrombosis formation, and also play the important roles in inflammation, immune regulation and tumor metastasis. By utilizing the unique functions of cell membrane proteins, platelet vesicle carriers can effectively transport drugs to achieve long time circulation, active targeting and immune system escaping effects. Till now, numerous drug nanocarrier systems based on platelet derived vesicles have been successfully developed to transport various kinds of cargos including small molecule drugs, inorganic compounds, nucleic acid and nanoparticles for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors and infectious diseases. Given the continued focus and intensive studies on platelet vesicle drug carriers, this paper gives a comprehensive review of the latest researches as well as the perspective discussion on challenges and development trends.
Published: 10 October 2022
Online: 2022-10-12
Fund:Guangdong Provincial Department of Education (2022ZDZX2034), Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou (201604046022, 201802030002) and Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (2014A030310362) |
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