Research Status and Development Trend of Mechanical Properties of Red Mud Geopolymer Concrete |
WANG Yongbao1, YUAN Yuan2, ZHAO Renda2, ZHANG Jinjie1
1 College of Civil Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 2 School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China |
Abstract Red mud(RM) is a kind of alkaline waste produced in the process of extracting alumina. Because of its high alkali content and great harm to environment, it has low utilization rate. One effective way to use RM is the development of red mud geopolymer concrete (RMGC). As a new type of green building material, RMGC has many advantages, such as acceptable early strength, durability performance and comprehensive utilization of industrial waste residue. Therefore, the research on RMGC has attract the most attention among researchers. However, compared with slag and fly ash, RM has low pozzolanic reactivity. The high RM content often leads to low concrete strength. Therefore, the rate of RM utilization is low in RMGC. The strength formation mechanism and mineral composition of RMGC are different from those of ordinary concrete. And there are many factors affecting the basic mechanical properties of RMGC. The effects of different factors on basic mechanical properties of RMGC has not been unified. A reasonable design method of RMGC mix ratio has not been put forwarded. All these restrict the widely application of RMGC. In recent years, researchers have carried out experiments and theory study on basic mechanical properties of RMGC.The design method of mix proportion based on molar ratio and mass ratio was discussed. And the effects of different factors on the basic mechanical properties of RMGC has been obtained. The strength formation mechanism of RMGC is discussed. All these laid a solid foundation for development and application of RMGC. The research status of mechanical properties of RMGC at home and abroad are reviewed in this paper. And the types and mix design methods of RMGC are summarized. And the factors such as the type and content of alkali activator, RM content, sodium silicate modulus, curing type, curing temperature, RM source, RM processing methods, additives and other factors affecting mechanical properties of RMGC are also mentioned. Finally, the problems faced by researchers on mechanical properties of RMGC and the future research are investigated.
Published: 14 July 2020
Fund:This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51778531), Shanxi Applied Basic Research Project (201801D221223), Scientific and Technological Innovation Programs of Higher Education Institutions in Shanxi. |
About author:: Yongbao Wang received his Ph.D. degree in bridge and tunneling engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University in 2017. He is a lecturer in Taiyuan University of Technology. His research has focused on new type of concrete material and structural behavior of concrete bridge. Renda Zhao received his B.E. degree in road enginee-ring from Chongqing Institute of Architectural Enginee-ring in 1982 and received his Ph.D. degree in bridge and tunneling engineering from the Southwest Jiaotong University in 1990. His research interests are modern bridge type and bridge structure design theory. |
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