Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron-based Optimization System and Their Application in Environmental Remediation: a Review |
QIN Xiaofeng1, CAO Jiazhen1, WANG Xiaoli2, ZHANG Xianming1, LYU Xiaoshu1
1.Engineering Research Center for Waste Oil Recovery Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067; 2.China Petroleum Group Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co., Ltd. Safety and Environmental Quality Supervision and Inspection Research Institute, Chongqing 400042 |
Abstract In recent years, zero-valent iron (ZVI) materials, as environmental in situ restoration agents, have received extensive attention and research. The superiority of ZVI materials can be concluded by the following aspects. Ⅰ. The raw material of ZVI iron, is cheap and easy to obtain, which is one of the most abundant elements in nature, accounting for 4.75% of the crustal elements, and the rich storage of iron is beneficial to reduce the cost of production. Ⅱ. Iron is active in chemistry and feature high reduction potential, which can react with diverse pollutants and convert them into non-toxic or low-toxic state. Ⅲ. Iron is a kind of environmental benign restoration agent, reducing the risk of secondary pollution. In addition, magnetic iron-based materials are in favor of recycling. Nevertheless, ordinary ZVI particles are not efficient in all cases because of their relatively small specific surface area, especially the large particle size of ZVI blocked its application in special environments (most part of underground water or unconsolidated aquifers) that requires the permeability of restoration agent. For the sake of making better use of ZVI, nanoscale zero valent iron (nZVI or nFe0) is designed. Thanks to the large specific surface area, nZVI exhibits outstanding reactivity, 10—100 times of that of ordinary ZVI, the small particle size, strong permeability and fluidity enables nZVI to directly inject into the underground pollution system, thus the remediation of soil and groundwater pollution can be realized. Therefore, nZVI possesses a broad prospect of application in the in-situ remediation of diverse polluted environments. There are many preparation approaches of nZVI, which can be divided into physical method (high-energy mechanical ball milling, physical vapor condensation, sputtering and plasma methods) and chemical method (liquid-phase chemical reduction, solid-phase chemical reduction, solvothermal, gas chemical reaction, electrodeposition methods, etc.). However, the excessive activity, high surface energy, nano size and strong magnetism of the nZVI will bring about the problems of agglomeration and fast surface passivation, which dramatically reduce the electronic efficiency, limit their function and shorten the life-time. Therefore, various kinds of nZVI-based nanocomposites have been developed to avoid these deficiencies. This paper reviews the recent modification technologies on nZVI, and classifies these nZVI-based nanocomposties into three categories: stabilized nZVI system (include physical load stabilization and surface chemical modification stabilization), immobilized nZVI system (the immobilization of biomaterials is most popular) and nZVI nanohybrids (such as iron/carbon nanocomposites, nano-bimetallic composites, etc.). The characteristics of each system and the corresponding preparation techniques are summarized, emphasis is put on their application in heavy metal and chlorine-containing organic polluted environment remediation, as well as remediation mechanism and influencing factors. It also suggests that the future research should be focused on further improvement of the efficiency, extending their lifespan, reducing economic cost, and enlarging the scope of application.
Published: 08 May 2019
Fund:This work was financially supported by Projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21676037), the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Science & Technology Commission (cstc2015jcyjA20007), the Startup Foundation from CTBU (2016-56-01). |
About author:: Xianming Zhang is a executive director of Engineering Research Center for Waste Oil Recovery Technology and Equipment,Ministry of Education,Chongqing Technology and Business University hosted 7 of National scientific research projects and 40 of Municipal scientific research projects.During this period,32 of novel products,30 of patents of invention,and over 190 of research papers were created. Xiaoshu Lyu, associate professor, received her doctor degree in environmental engineering from Zhejiang University in 2015. During 2013—2014, worked in Engineering Department, Brown University, USA as a visiting scholar. Mainly engaged in nano material design and its application in environmental pollution remediation. |
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