Influence of Nitric Acid Activation Time on the Structure and Property of Coal-based Electrode Materials
SU Ting1, 2, SONG Yonghui1, ZHANG Shan1, TIAN Yuhong1, LAN Xinzhe1
1 Key Laboratory of Gold and Resources of Shaanxi Province, School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055; 2 School of Chemistry &Chemical Engineering,Yulin University, Yulin 719000;
Abstract: Nitric acid was used to activate the coal-based electrode, the effect of activation time on the surface properties and adsorption properties of the electrode materials was studied. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to characterize the microstructure and surface chemical properties of the electrodes. The study showed that the iodine adsorption value of coal-based electrode material increased at first and then decreased while the activation rate and compressive strength gradually decreased with the increasing activation time of nitric acid, the content of carboxyl group, hydroxyl group, phenolic hydroxyl group and other oxygen functional groups increased gradually. When the activation time was 8 h, the total oxygen functional groups could be increased by 144%, the iodine adsorption value reached 301.72 mg·g-1, and the compressive strength was 0.234 MPa, the yield was 67.64%. The electrochemical test results showed that the coal-based electrode had good capacitance characteristics and formed a stable double layer structure. The removal rate of each ion in the process of cyanide wastewater after electro adsorption was increased with the increasing activation time, copper and total cyanide ion removal rates could reach 90% and 68% after activating for 8 h.
苏婷, 宋永辉, 张珊, 田宇红, 兰新哲. 硝酸活化时间对煤基电极材料结构及性能的影响[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(4): 528-532.
SU Ting, SONG Yonghui, ZHANG Shan, TIAN Yuhong, LAN Xinzhe. Influence of Nitric Acid Activation Time on the Structure and Property of Coal-based Electrode Materials. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(4): 528-532.
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