Current Research Status of Oxidation Resistance of Carbonyl Iron Powders
ZHOU Yingying1,2, XIE Hui1, ZHOU Wancheng2
1 School of Material Engineering, Xi’an Aeronautical University, Xi’an 710077; 2 State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072
Abstract: Carbonyl iron powder is considered as an ideal absorber for thin absorbing coating, due to its excellent properties such as high permeability and high magnetic loss. Additionally, high Curie temperature makes carbonyl iron powders a potential candidate for the absorbent of heat-resistant absorbing coating. However, the small particle size and large surface area largely cause severe oxidation while suffering high temperature, and consequently in recent years, contribute to the surge of research interest upon the oxidation resistance of carbonyl iron powders. This paper gives a brief description of the microwave absorbing mechanism of carbonyl iron powders and the mechanism of improving the oxidation resistance, summarizes the preparation methods that benefit pro-duct’s performance under high temperature oxidative environment, and finally ends with an outlook for this urgent and crucial research topic of microwave absorbing materials.
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ZHOU Yingying, XIE Hui, ZHOU Wancheng. Current Research Status of Oxidation Resistance of Carbonyl Iron Powders. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(5): 749-754.
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