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《材料导报》期刊社  2017, Vol. 31 Issue (8): 17-20
  材料研究 |
周天国, 陈田田, 苏鑫, 徐瑞, 吴晓玉, 胡静
沈阳大学机械工程学院, 沈阳110044
Microstructure and Properties of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Conductor Prepared by Multi-pass ECAE Dynamic Forming
ZHOU Tianguo, CHEN Tiantian, SU Xin, XU Rui, WU Xiaoyu, HU Jing
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University, Shenyang 110044
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摘要 借助S4800扫描电子显微镜、Philips DM420透射电子显微镜、SANS CMT5105电子万能材料试验机和QJ48双臂直流电桥,研究了多道次ECAE动态成型Al-Mg-Si合金导线的组织与性能。结果表明:4道次ECAE动态成型可制备平均尺寸在10 μm左右甚至更小的Al-Mg-Si合金导线晶粒。随着Mg、Si含量的增加,合金导线的抗拉强度增大,伸长率与等效导电率降低。经160~170 ℃/7 h时效处理后,Al-0.59%Mg-0.59%Si合金导线的抗拉强度、伸长率和等效导电率分别为305.71~309.63 MPa,4.7%~5.4%和55.18%IACS~56.33%IACS,与目前国产Al-Mg-Si合金导线(295 MPa,52.5%IACS)相比,导电性能显著提高。
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关键词:  Al-Mg-Si合金导线  多道次ECAE动态成型  时效处理  组织  力学性能  导电率    
Abstract: The microstructure and properties of Al-Mg-Si alloy conducting wire prepared by multi-pass ECAE process were studied by means of S4800 scanning electron microscope (SEM), Philips DM420 transmission electron microscope (TEM), SANS CMT5105 electronic universal material testing machine and QJ48 double arm DC bridge. The results show that the grain of Al-Mg-Si alloy conducting wire with an average size of 10 μm or even smaller can be prepared by 4 passes ECAE dynamic forming. The tensile strength of the conducting wire increases with the increase of Mg, Si contents, however, the elongation and equivalent decrease. After soaked at 160-170 ℃ for 7 h, tensile strength, elongation and equivalent conductivity of the Al-0.59%Mg-0.59%Si alloy conductor were about 305.71-309.63 MPa, 4.7%-5.4% and 55.18%IACS-56.33%IACS, respectively. Hence the electric conductivity properties of the Al-Mg-Si alloy conductor are greatly improved compared to traditional Al-Mg-Si alloy conductor (whose tensile strength and equivalent conductivity are 295 MPa and 52.5%IACS, respectively).
Key words:  Al-Mg-Si alloy conductor    multi-pass ECAE dynamic forming    aging treatment    microstructure    mechanical property    electrical conductivity
               出版日期:  2017-04-25      发布日期:  2018-05-02
ZTFLH:  TG156  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(51174139)
作者简介:  周天国:男,1964年生,博士,教授,主要从事铝及铝合金导电材料先进成型技术研究; 陈田田:女,1991年生,硕士研究生,主要从事新材料加工工艺与应用研究
周天国, 陈田田, 苏鑫, 徐瑞, 吴晓玉, 胡静. 多道次ECAE动态成型Al-Mg-Si合金导线组织与性能*[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2017, 31(8): 17-20.
ZHOU Tianguo, CHEN Tiantian, SU Xin, XU Rui, WU Xiaoyu, HU Jing. Microstructure and Properties of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Conductor Prepared by Multi-pass ECAE Dynamic Forming. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(8): 17-20.
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