Study on Wetting Shearing Properties and Interface Compounds of Sn-58Bi-(0-3)Ga/Cu
YANG Bin1, CHEN Jianming1, WU Shanjiang1, LI Mingmao2, ZHANG Jianbo2
1 School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Techonology, Ganzhou 341000; 2 Jiangxi Nonferrous Metal Processing Engineering Technology Research Center, Ganzhou 341000;
Abstract: The Sn-58Bi-(0—3)Ga alloys were prepared by melting and casting method. The research was focused on the effect of Ga content on properties of melting, wetting and shear strength subsequently. The characteristic of interface between Sn-58Bi-(0—3)Ga and Cu was investigated as well. The results showed that the addition of Ga led to the decrease of the melting point and the increase of melting range. Compared with the alloy without Ga addition, the spreading rate of Sn-58Bi-1Ga on Cu substrate decreased obviously while the shear strength increased slightly. Along with the content of Ga increasing to 2% and 3%, the shear strength decreased significantly and the spreading rate decreased appreciably. Cu and Sn elements were the main components of the Sn-58Bi/Cu interface, while Ga and Cu segregated greatly on the interface between Sn-58Bi-(1—3)Ga and Cu. In addition, the interface compounds were determined via energy dispersion spectrum (EDS) analysis at last.
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