Hydrothermal Preparation of Gradient Porous Antireflection Film on Glass Surface and the Effect of Na2HPO4 Added into Water Etching Agent on Film Structure
SUN Huihui1, ZHOU Ziji1, CAO Wen1, WANG Qun1, ZHOU Zhonghua1,2,*, HUANG Yue1,*
1 College of Materials, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005,Fujian, China 2 Fujian Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China
Abstract: Gradient porous antireflection film on glass surface, as characterized by the ultra-low reflectance and high increasing transmittance of visible light, has a wide range of application prospects in photovoltaic, electronic display, automotive and other fields. Glass reacts strongly with water during hydrothermal process, resulting in difficulty forming gradient porous structural film on the surface. One of the important technical problems in the preparation of gradient porous antireflection film by hydrothermal method is how to control the etching solution to slow down the etching reaction of glass, eventually forming the surface film with gradient porous structure. In this work, gradient porous antireflection film on glass surface has been successfully prepared by a hydrothermal method, using water and Na2HPO4 solution as etching agents, and three commercial sodalime glasses as substrates. The etched film's microscopic morphology, element distribution, infrared spectroscopy and the glass's optical properties were analyzed. The etched film's refractive index and reflectance were simulated by Macleod and TFCalc software, respectively. The micron concave and convax surface was obtained when water etching agent was used. However, gradient porous antireflection film has been prepared when Na2HPO4 was added into water etching agent. The added Na2HPO4 contributes to slowing down etching reaction and constructing porous etched film. The best addition volume of Na2HPO4 demonstrates a reverse relationship with the glass's alkaline-earth metal content. The lowest reflectance R380—780 nm is 0.88%, and the highest increasing transmittance ΔT380—780 nm reaches 7.39%.
孙慧慧, 周子吉, 曹文, 王群, 周忠华, 黄悦. 玻璃表面梯度多孔减反射膜层的水热制备及水刻蚀剂添加Na2HPO4对膜层结构的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(22): 22060210-7.
SUN Huihui, ZHOU Ziji, CAO Wen, WANG Qun, ZHOU Zhonghua, HUANG Yue. Hydrothermal Preparation of Gradient Porous Antireflection Film on Glass Surface and the Effect of Na2HPO4 Added into Water Etching Agent on Film Structure. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(22): 22060210-7.
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