Fe2O3 Photocatalyst Supported on Ultra-fine Fibrous Al2O3 Prepared via Electro- blown Spinning (EBS) with an Application to Organic Dye Degradation |
Lei LI1,2,Bowen CHENG2,Weimin KANG2,Xiaoguang MA2,Xupin ZHUANG2
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387 2 State Key Laboratory of Separation Membranes and Membrane Processes, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387 |
Abstract Ultra-fine fibrous Al2O3 supported Fe2O3 photocatalyst was prepared by an electro-blown spinning (EBS) method combined with impregnation-calcination process, and characterized by techniques such as SEM,EDS and XRD. Photocatalytic degradation of Reactive Red 195 (RR 195) in aqueous solution was used as a probe reaction to evaluate the product’s photocatalytic activity. The results showed that flexible and ultra-fine fibrous alumina mat, which is appropriate for photocatalyst supporter and has an average diameter of 3.78 μm, can be obtained via electro-blown spinning method. The catalytic experimental results suggested that the optimum photocatalytic performance of the photocatalyst was achieved when the sintering temperature was 500 ℃ and the iron loaded content was 195.5 mg/g. The dye decoloration rate reached 95% within 120 min for the first run with H2O2 and UV light, and it can be maintained 70% after three rounds. Moreover,this photocatalyst still maintained good fabric morphology after reaction and was easier to be separated from dye solution, which could avoid the secondary pollution effectively.
Published: 25 January 2018
(a)The schematic of the EBS apparatus; (b)schematic diagram for the preparation of Fe2O3/Al2O3 ultra-fine fiber supported photocatalyst
(a) SEM image of EBS alumina fiber mat, and inset was SEM image of solution blowing alumina fiber; (b) diameter distribution of EBS alumina fiber; (c) SEM image of Fe2O3/Al2O3 photocatalyst; (d) EDS image of Fe2O3/Al2O3 photocatalyst
(a)N2 isotherm adsorption-desorption curvers of EBS alumina fiber (inset was BJH pore size distribution) and (b)pore size distribution and average pore size of EBS alumina mat
XRD spectra of (a) EBS alumina fiber and (b) Fe2O3/Al2O3 photocatalyst obtained under different sintering temperature
Photocatalytic curves of photocatalyst obtained under different sintering temperature
(a) XRD spectra and (b) photocatalytic curves of photocatalyst obtained with different iron loaded contents
Recycled curves of Fe2O3/Al2O3 ultra-fine fiber supported photocatalyst
The catalytic action of Fe2O3/Al2O3 ultra-fine fiber supported photocatalyst: (a) 0.6 g photocatalyst, dark; (b) 0.6 g photocatalyst, visible light; (c) 0.6 g photocatalyst, UV-light; (d) 0.6 g photocatalyst, 2 mmol/L H2O2, UV-light
(a)Digital images of EBS alumina fiber mat; (b)the folded EBS alumina fiber mat; (c)digital images of Fe2O3/Al2O3 photocatalyst; (d)digital images of used Fe2O3/Al2O3 photocatalyst
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