Research Progress on the Application of Graphene and MXenes in Hydrogen Sensor |
WANG Lei1,2, YU Xinhai1,2,*, YUAN Shuaishuai1,2, YAO Xinqi1,2, LI Chuandong1,2
1 MOE Key Laboratory of Pressure Systems and Safety, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China 2 School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China |
Abstract With the depletion of fossil energy sources such as oil, coal and natural gas, hydrogen energy has shown an increasingly critical role in industrial production and transportation. The hydrogen energy industry has put forward comprehensive requirements of resistance to high pressure, excellent sealing, and prevention of combustion and explosion in the whole chain process of production, storage, transportation, filling and usage. A hydrogen sensor with high sensitivity, quick response, good selectivity, and strong stability is an important detection apparatus for ensuring the safety of the hydrogen energy system. The development of novel hydrogen-sensitive materials is crucial to fabricate advanced hydrogen sensors. Graphene and MXenes are the most representative two-dimensional planar nanomaterials, which not only have superb electrical and mechanical properties, but also can be modified functionally without affecting their intrinsic properties, thus showing great potential for applications in hydrogen sensing. In this paper, the basic structures, types, and synthesis methods of graphene and MXenes are reviewed. The application research progress of graphene and MXenes in hydrogen sensors is summarized. The existing problems and the corresponding solutions are discussed. The future research directions of hydrogen sensors are introduced.
Published: 10 November 2023
Online: 2023-11-10
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (21476073). |
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