Research Progress on the Application of Two-dimensional Nano-material in Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors |
LIU Lu, WANG Libo*, LIU Darong, HU Qianku, ZHOU Aiguo
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China |
Abstract With the rapid development of flexible pressure sensors in wearable electronic equipment, electronic skin and other fields, the research and fabrication of high-performance flexible piezoresistive sensors with high sensitivity, low detection limit, and wide sensing range, has become an inevitable trend. In order to obtain high-performance flexible piezoresistive sensors, a series of innovations need to be made in the selection of conductive sensitive materials and the design of the micro-nano structure of sensor. Due to the unique structure and excellent perfor-mance, two-dimensional nano-materials have become a good choice for conducting sensitive materials for flexible piezoresistive sensors. In this paper, several types of two-dimensional nano-material based flexible piezoresistive sensors, the innovation and development of micro-nano structures have been introduced and summarized. Finally, the solutions to the current problems are proposed and the future development direction is prospected.
Published: 25 February 2022
Online: 2022-02-28
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (51772077), Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (182300410228), and Science and Technology Innovation Team of Universities in Henan Province (19IRTSTHN027). |
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