Electrochemical Performance of a Novel Ca-P-Si Bioactive Ceramic Coating Formed on Titanium Surface by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation |
GUO Kai1, YU Hailong2, TANG Enling1, WANG Meng1, HE Liping1, LIU Shuhua1
1 School of Equipment engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159; 2 PLA 95905, Jinzhou 121018; |
Abstract The Ca-P-Si bioactive ceramic coating was prepared by means of plasma electrolytic oxidation on the surface of pure titanium. The sample surface was almost completely covered by hydroxyapatite after being immersed in simulated body fluid in 28 days. The electrochemical performances of pure titanium and plasma electrolytic oxidized (i.e.bioactive ceramic coated) pure tita-nium, both of which were immersed into Hank’s simulated body fluid at 37 ℃, were analyzed by electrochemical experiment.The results of the potentiodynamic polarization curves and the alternating-current impedance showed that the Ca-P-Si coated sample achieved an Ecorr rise of 0.7 V compared to pure Ti, as well as an impedance conspicuously higher than pure Ti after 28 days immersion. The corrosion resistance of the Ti matrix is promoted after Ca-P-Si coating due to an isolating layer composed of hydroxyapatite outer layer and compact micro-arc oxidized inner layer, which protects the substrate from solution corrosion.
Published: 04 May 2018
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