A Review on Cellular Piezoelectric Polymer |
MA Chi1,2, WANG Lianhui1,2, PAN Congxiang3, LIU Ziting1,2, WANG Na1, SHI Ying2
1 School of Material Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China 2 Advanced Manufacturing Institute of Polymer Industry, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China 3 School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China |
Abstract Piezoelectric material is an important functional material, which can realize the mutual conversion between mechanical energy and electric energy. This inherent mechanical-electrical coupling effect is caused by the uneven distribution of its internal stress and polarization density. Piezoelectric materials have been developed rapidly in recent years, and has broad application prospects in the fields of electronic technology, laser technology, ultrasonic technology, and so on. Although traditional piezoelectric materials, such as piezoelectric monocrystal, polycrystalline piezoelectric ceramics, etc. have high piezoelectricity, they still have the following problems: (Ⅰ) this type of materials are too brittle; (Ⅱ) the deformation is too small; (Ⅲ) some materials contain lead oxide, which may be harmful to the environment during the preparation and subsequent processing. In recent years, with the continuous development of new materials and new processes, as a new type of piezoelectric material, the emergence of porous piezoelectric polymer materials provides a new way to solve the problems of traditional piezoelectric materials. There are a large number of cells inside the cell polymer piezoelectric material. By the polarization processing, positive and negative charges are respectively arranged on the upper and lower inner surfaces of the cells. Under the action of external stress field or electric field, the induced charges will be orderly arranged on the upper and lower inner surface of cells, and then they will exhibit the same piezoelectric and ferroelectric behaviors as traditional piezoelectric materials.As a novel type of piezoelectric material, it not only has excellent piezoelectricity and flexibility, but also its preparation process is simple and efficient, which has attracted wide attention of researchers. This review offers a retrospection of the research efforts with cellular piezoelectric polymer in recent years. The preparation methods, piezoelectricity and thermal stability of cellular piezoelectric polymers including polyolefins, polyesters, cycloolefin copolymers and fluoropolymers are respectively reviewed. The problems faced by these kinds of materials and their development trend are prospected, in order to provide reference for preparation of cellular piezoelectric polymer with better piezoelectricity and stability.
Published: 22 April 2021
Fund:Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program (XLYC1807007), Program for the Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Talents of Shenyang City (RC200415), and Program for the Innovative Talents of Higher Education Institutions of Liaoning Province (LR2019054). |
About author:: Chi Mareceived his Ph. D. degree from Northeast University in 2012. His research interests are damping materials, piezoelectric polymer and material additives. |
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