Abstract: High quality single crystal sample of layered transitional metal bismuthide BaAg2-δBi2 was prepared by self-fluxing method. The crystal structure,chemical composition,electrical and magnetic properties of high quality single crystal sample were systematically studied by many kinds of experimental methods. The experiment results indicate that the compound BaAg2-δBi2 is a layered transitional metal compounds with AgBi4 and BiAg4 tetrahedral layers, which is different from that there is only one kind of FeAs4/FeSe4 tetrahedral layers in iron-based superconductor. The variation of resistivity and magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature shows that BaAg2-δBi2 presents a good metal behavior and paramagnetism in the temperature ranges of 1.8 — 300 K,and the paramagnetism mainly originate from conduction electrons.
傅瑜,何俊宝,张萍,冷玉敏,马奔原,李纪燕. 过渡金属铋化物BaAg2-δBi2单晶的制备和物理性质[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(12): 2043-2046.
FU Yu, HE Junbao, ZHANG Ping, LENG Yumin, MA Benyuan, LI Jiyan. Single Crystal Growth and Physical Properties of Layered Transitional Metal Bismuthide BaAg2-δBi2. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(12): 2043-2046.
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