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《材料导报》期刊社  2018, Vol. 32 Issue (4): 662-671
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王宝华1, 2, 朱荣1, 黄世平3, 宫永煜2, 王世钊2, 张明博1, 2
1 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院, 北京 100083;
2 河钢股份有限公司承德分公司, 承德 067102;
3 河钢集团钢研总院,石家庄 050023
Applying Low Titanium Blast Furnace Slag to Semi-steel Steelmaking: Dephosphorization Thermodynamics and Industrial Experiment
WANG Baohua1, 2, ZHU Rong1, HUANG Shiping3, GONG Yongyu2, WANG Shizhao2, ZHANG Mingbo1, 2
1 School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083;
2 HBIS Company Limited Chengde Branch, Chengde 067102;
3 Hesteel Group Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050023
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摘要 基于低钛高炉渣资源化综合利用和提高转炉半钢炼钢脱磷效果的考虑,对低钛高炉渣进行喷吹CO2法脱硫处理后,配入25%~30%的氧化铁皮制备成半钢化渣球用于半钢炼钢。采用建立半钢渣系的脱磷热力学模型和工业试验的方法,对此半钢化渣球冶炼半钢的脱磷能力和冶金效果进行研究。研究结果表明:随着炉渣中TiO2和Al2O3含量的升高,炉渣的脱磷能力降低,特别是当炉渣碱度和温度较低时,脱磷能力降低更快;在两种氧化物含量相同的情况下,TiO2比Al2O3的负面影响更大;随炉渣碱度的增加,炉渣的磷分配比和磷容量均呈先升高后持平的趋势;随渣中w(FeO)的增加,炉渣的磷分配比和磷容量均先升高后降低;随w(MgO)的降低,炉渣的磷分配比和磷容量逐渐降低。采用半钢化渣球冶炼半钢,渣中w(TiO2+Al2O3)和w(FeO)升高,炉渣碱度和w(MgO)降低,控制炉渣碱度在4.0左右,炉渣不仅具有较高的磷分配比和磷容量,并且可以弱化(TiO2+Al2O3)对脱磷能力的影响,确定其加入比例为总渣量的15.0%~20.0%。留渣+化渣球法冶炼半钢的前期平均脱磷率增至58.59%,为原冶炼工艺的1.57倍,吨钢石灰消耗和终点钢水[O]含量分别下降3.48 kg/t和112×10-6
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关键词:  低钛高炉渣  转炉炼钢  半钢渣系  共存理论  脱磷    
Abstract: In order to comprehensively utilize low-titanium slag and improve the dephosphorization rate of semi-steel steelma-king, the semi-steel slag ball made of low-titanium slag with injecting CO2 desulfurization treatment and 25%—30% of the oxide scale was used for semi-steel melting. The dephosphorization thermodynamic model of semi-steel slag system and the method of industrial test were established and conducted to study the dephosphorization and metallurgical impact of semi-steel slag ball. The results indicated that the dephosphorizing capacity would be reduced with increasing w(TiO2) and w(Al2O3), especially under the low temperature and low alkalinity conditions. Compared with Al2O3, the TiO2 can reduce the dephosphorization of slag more. The lgLp and lgCp increased first and then almost invariant with increasing alkalinity, increased first and then decreased as w(FeO) increase, and decreased with the w(MgO) increase. When the semi-tempered slag ball was used in semi-steel steelmaking, the w(TiO2+Al2O3) and w(FeO) of slag increased and the basicity and MgO decreased. The optimum condition for semi-steel smelting is that the basicity of slag is about 4.0 and the proportion of semi-tempered slag ball is 15.0%—20.0 % of total slag, and this will result in relatively high lgLp and lgCp of slag, as well as relatively low adverse influence of w(TiO2+Al2O3) on lgLp and lgCp. The early stage dephosphorization rate can be increased to 58.59%, which is 1.57 times of that of the original smelting process. Besides, the per ton lime consumption and the [O] in final steel decrease by 3.48 kg·t -1and 112×10-6, respectively.
Key words:  low titanium blast furnace slag    BOF steel making    semi-steel slag    coexistence theory    dephosphorization
               出版日期:  2018-02-25      发布日期:  2018-02-25
ZTFLH:  TF711  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(51334001)
通讯作者:  张明博:男,1984年生,博士,主要从事固体废弃物资源综合利用及炼钢工艺研究   
作者简介:  王宝华:男,1973年生,博士研究生,高级工程师,主要从事炼钢及连铸工艺研究
王宝华, 朱荣, 黄世平, 宫永煜, 王世钊, 张明博. 应用低钛高炉渣的半钢炼钢:脱磷热力学与工业试验[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(4): 662-671.
WANG Baohua, ZHU Rong, HUANG Shiping, GONG Yongyu, WANG Shizhao, ZHANG Mingbo. Applying Low Titanium Blast Furnace Slag to Semi-steel Steelmaking: Dephosphorization Thermodynamics and Industrial Experiment. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(4): 662-671.
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