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《材料导报》期刊社  2018, Vol. 32 Issue (4): 636-640
  材料研究 |
闫存富1, 2, 李淑娟1
1 西安理工大学机械与精密仪器学院,西安 710048;
2 黄河科技学院机械工程学院,郑州 450063
Study on Liquid Phase Migration During Freeze-form Extrusion Fabrication of Ceramic Materials
YAN Cunfu1, 2, LI Shujuan1
1 School of Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048;
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Huanghe S&T College, Zhengzhou 450063;
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摘要 利用正交试验法,研究了挤压工艺参数对水基陶瓷膏体低温挤压成形过程中挤出膏体的液相含量的影响。正交试验中选择挤压速度、挤出喷嘴长度及挤出间隔时间作为试验因素,挤出膏体中的液相含量作为评价指标。试验数据的极差和方差分析结果表明:液相迁移随挤出速度增大而减小,随挤出喷嘴长度的增加和间隔时间的延长而增大; 各因素影响液相迁移的显著性参数依次为挤压速度>挤出喷嘴长度>挤出间隔时间。同时,建立挤出膏体中液相含量与工艺参数之间的回归预测模型。通过对比试验结果和模型计算结果发现:在本试验条件下,预测结果与试验结果的相对误差为1.410%,可对挤压过程中的液相迁移进行预测。
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关键词:  水基陶瓷膏体  低温挤压自由成形  液相迁移  正交试验  回归模型    
Abstract: Influences of extrusion parameters on liquid content of extrudate for freeze-form extrusion fabrication of aqueous ceramic pastes were analyzed by the orthogonal test. In the test, extrusion parameters including the extrusion velocity, the extrusion nozzle length, the extrusion interval time were examined, while the liquid content of extrudate was used as the evaluation index of extrusion process. The analysis of range and variance of test data indicates that liquid phase migration during extrusion process becomes large with the increasing of the extrusion interval time and the extrusion nozzle length, and the decreasing of the extrusion velocity. The significance order of factors are as follows: the extrusion velocity>the extrusion nozzle length>the extrusion interval time. At the same time, the prediction model between the liquid content in extrudate and the parameters was established. By comparing the results of orthogonal experiment and prediction model calculation, it can be inferred that the relative error between the value of the prediction model calculated and the experiment measured is 1.410% under the test condition, the prediction model could be used to predict the liquid migration in extrusion process.
Key words:  aqueous ceramic paste    freeze-form extrusion fabrication    liquid phase migration    orthogonal test    regression model
出版日期:  2018-02-25      发布日期:  2018-02-25
ZTFLH:  TQ174.7  
基金资助: 国家重大基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2009CB724406); 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划资助项目(2015JQ5182); 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划资助项目(14JK1515); 郑州市科技攻关项目(20140754)
通讯作者:  李淑娟:女,1968年生,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,主要从事制造过程建模、优化和控制,三维零件快速成型制造业管理信息系统的研究   
作者简介:  闫存富:男,1972年生,博士研究生,教授,主要从事陶瓷材料快速成型数字化制造技术的研究
闫存富, 李淑娟. 陶瓷材料低温挤压自由成形工艺液相迁移研究[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(4): 636-640.
YAN Cunfu, LI Shujuan. Study on Liquid Phase Migration During Freeze-form Extrusion Fabrication of Ceramic Materials. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(4): 636-640.
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