Abstract: In this paper, the requirements of fracture splitting technology on materials, and development of materials for fracture splitting connecting rod are reviewed. Principles and strategies of microstructure and mechanical properties control are discussed. Finally, the suggestion of expanding the application of air-cooled forging steel is proposed. Furthermore, basic scientific research should be strengthened, and material properties of air-cooled forging steel, especially quantitative relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties should be revealed. The microstructure and properties can be controlled accurately, flexibility and systematically by TMCP technology.
张朝磊, 刘雅政. 汽车胀断连杆用非调质钢的应用现状与发展*[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2017, 31(5): 58-64.
ZHANG Chaolei, LIU Yazheng. Application and Development of Air-cooled Forging Steel for Automotive Fracture Splitting Connecting Rod. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(5): 58-64.
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